Monday, April 11, 2011

Quivers run down my spine

Its absolutely strange when those quivers run down your spine. Weird-ness,empti-ness and all the strangest-ness-es that exist follow suit thereafter. Never did i want to be in such a phase ever. Crossing my fingers and hoping that probably if i leave this place i will attain "TRUE NIRVANA". Not just saying the final adieus and appreciating the smiley farewells but leaving it behind to start the freshest chapter of a new life to be found. I know for sure that the day isn't too far away but the wait is killing me inside out.

Let not the world conspire against me this time round. I trust only myself to run sooner than begone.

Thursday, April 07, 2011


Difference of opinions and narrow minded thoughts. I wanna get the fuck out of here before i start hating everything around me. As much as i love staying here i want to leave in the vested interest of the peace of mind that will be disturbed. N so i take the plunge into the first step.